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  • Writer's pictureShannon Edney

Things that Make a Photo Beautiful

Have you ever wondered what makes a photo stand out and stir certain emotions when you look at it? Of course, photos of your family and places you love will naturally give you the warm fuzzies or leave you in awe, but there are some very specific elements in great photos that help bring them to life and make you take a second look.


When a photograph has beautiful lighting it gives the image a certain mood and highlights the important aspects of a photo. Light is an incredible tool that can add depth, interest, and drama. Use natural light to your advantage - taking photos early in the morning or just before sunset during "golden hour" can make all the difference.


When photographing a person it is natural to focus on your specific subject while taking their photo, but that person is only a part of the greater whole. The background and any other objects in a photo all make up the structure and scene that draw you in to the moment.


A good quality photo will usually allow you to pick up on certain textures such as wood grains, heavy fabrics, or even the hair coat on a pet.


Sometimes the most beautiful photos are taken from a different perspective such as getting down to a puppy’s level or taking a shot of a tall building by looking all the way up from a street corner.

The moment.

Capturing a moment that will never happen again makes for incredible photos.

Photography isn’t only for the professionals. Everyone has the ability to take a great photo by focusing on a few simple elements, getting creative and being ready to capture something beautiful everywhere you go.


Award-winning portrait photographer Shannon Edney's photos have been featured on multiple magazine covers with photos published in print and digital advertisements around the world.

Based out of Nampa, Idaho, Shannon specializes in pet portrait photography showcasing dogs, horses, and their people. Shannon is known for her ability to catch the perfect expression and capture her subjects in unique lighting, resulting in portraits rich in artistry that will be treasured for years to come - whether it be on a fine art canvas or in a custom artisan album.

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